During these uncertain times of the Novel Corona virus, many have been forced to adapt to a new form of reality that includes staying under lockdown conditions for varying periods of time depending on one’s location. While our normal routine has been disrupted, we realize as Eagles Wings that our schedule of programs may be disrupted but this does not stop us from using the tools we have at our disposal to still make an impact in our community and society

Education: Community and Self

Equally linked to the idea of disseminating knowledge and tied to our core business is the belief that education is key in addressing albinism in Zimbabwe and the surrounding regions. Suffice to say that Albinism, its underlying causes, its various forms and shapes are something that is rarely if ever openly discussed in spaces which we live in. This has been the case for years and continues to help shroud the subject of persons with albinism in mystery which leaves it prone to myths, tales and stereotypes


We believe it is not enough to simply educate and give information but that it is also our responsibility to help wherever we can. In this regard, one of our chief project targets is the Medicare element. Through this program, we intend to go beyond simply handing out sun screen lotion and moving on, but also looking at addressing many other health related concerns for persons with albinism. This will include both physical and mental welfare

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