During these uncertain times of the Novel Corona virus, many have been forced to adapt to a new form of reality that includes staying under lockdown conditions for varying periods of time depending on one’s location. While our normal routine has been disrupted, we realize as Eagles Wings that our schedule of programs may be disrupted but this does not stop us from using the tools we have at our disposal to still make an impact in our community and society.

During the lockdown, which began in March, Eagles Wings has continued to harness our community on social media and use their footprint to amplify awareness and safety measures relating to surviving the pandemic. This has included info-graphics and videos relating to the pandemic, how to best care for one’s hygiene, how to identify the symptoms and what to do if one tests positive. We have long since accepted that knowledge is power and have always sought to disseminate information about albinism as one of the ways to counteract misinformation, myths and stereotypes. This is no different when it comes to the Corona Virus and we realize that in addition to the measures being taken by health practitioners all over the world and locally, it is equally important for accurate, verified and trustworthy information to be shared and spread in order to allow everyone to act accordingly to prevent risking themselves and their loved ones from infection. We continue to publish information in this regard throughout the pandemic and we undertake to ensure that the information we share passes the tri-factor pillar we adhere to of: Authentic, Informative and verified to reduce the spread of fake news and disinformation. Feel free to check our social pages weekly for our weekly tips, guides and awareness material