Equally linked to the idea of disseminating knowledge and tied to our core business is the belief that education is key in addressing albinism in Zimbabwe and the surrounding regions. Suffice to say that Albinism, its underlying causes, its various forms and shapes are something that is rarely if ever openly discussed in spaces which we live in. This has been the case for years and continues to help shroud the subject of persons with albinism in mystery which leaves it prone to myths, tales and stereotypes.

We believe that one of the key pillars in addressing albinism and its stereotypes is a massive education drive.

This not only means educating persons with albinism themselves so that they better understand themselves and how to best care for themselves and accept, embrace and be proud of their identity. It also includes educating the surrounding community and those we live among so that they can also equally understand what being a person with albinism is and how they can also help create a society that sees beyond the skin. Our educative drive takes on various forms which include:

  • School visits and talks by our team of speakers and guests
  •   Community roadshows, awareness campaigns
  •  “Town Hall” styled open discussions that offer attendees the safe space to ask anything related to albinism to help debunk the mysteries and spread the knowledge.
  • Many other formats of educational campaigns which we may, from time to time, determine to be helpful in accomplishing our mandate.