We believe it is not enough to simply educate and give information but that it is also our responsibility to help wherever we can. In this regard, one of our chief project targets is the Medicare element. Through this program, we intend to go beyond simply handing out sun screen lotion and moving on, but also looking at addressing many other health related concerns for persons with albinism. This will include both physical and mental welfare.

On the physical care, we initially intend to have a rolling Medicare tour which will travel from province to province on a published schedule. The team on the Medicare tour will provide several medical care facilities that include but are not limited to:

  • General Medical Check-up
  • Skin Cancer screening & possible treatment
  •  Optical exams – and eye care where possible.
  •  Sexual Reproductive Health Services
  • Basic healthcare training for guardians & persons with albinism

Mental Health care will also be our focus in realizing that there are many psychological and mental strains that persons with albinism or their caregivers may undergo through societal discrimination and targeted harassment. As a result of this, our Medicare team will also endeavor to have counselling and mental health wellness experts at each stop along their tour.

Our long term goal is not to keep moving from city to city and province to province but to gradually partner with stakeholders in establishing permanent Medicare teams in each province that increase accessibility to each and every province and reduce the travel cost and strain and reduce the gap between access to medical care and resources for persons with albinism and those who are their caregivers.